Vexx has got to be the youngest guest designer who has ever worked for CaseCompany. At only 19 years old, Vince Okerman (Vexx’s real name) is a real up-and-comer. That doesn’t mean he’s too young to stand his ground in the world of graphic design though! Vexx’s style is the epitome of uniqueness. Fi...Více info
Vexx has got to be the youngest guest designer who has ever worked for CaseCompany. At only 19 years old, Vince Okerman (Vexx’s real name) is a real u...Více info
25% sleva na tyto pouzdra s kódem: VUB25
Toto průhledné měkké pouzdro je vyrobeno z pružného TPU, který tlumí nárazy, a zajišťuje plnou ochranu celého telefonu. Poskytne vašemu smartphonu dokonalou ochranu před promáčknutím, poškrábáním, nečistotami a prachem.
Odnímatelná šňůra Šňůru lze snadno odepnout, když ji chvíli nepotřebujete. Vyzkoušejte pohodlí a ochranu pouzdra na smartphone se šňůrou a užívejte si telefon vždy na dosah.
Vyrobeno z pružného materiálu, který tlumí nárazy. Obalí celý telefon pro úplnou ochranu.
Slyšte to od někoho jiného
OvěřenoPhone case is really good quality, especially for the price!
OvěřenoExperience was great I was a bit iffy as some reviews were not the best but the two cases i ordered are amazing and pricing was fabulous. I ordered one for my friend and she is also over the moon with the product.
OvěřenoMáte dotaz? Jsem k dispozici od pondělí do soboty.
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My first order did not arrive so I contacted the company and customer care was more than excellent. I received a new order within days then my old order turned up , part of which was damaged but that did not matter because it all all been sorted out efficiently and with kindness. Thank you, I love my case forms phone.