During my university years, stress and anxiety was increasingly difficult to deal with. My saving grace came in the form of a colouring book and colouring pencils during study breaks. Before then I was never interested in art or anything creative really. Now I am turning a life-saving hobby into a c...Více info
During my university years, stress and anxiety was increasingly difficult to deal with. My saving grace came in the form of a colouring book and colou...Více info
25% sleva na tyto pouzdra s kódem: VUB25
Naše 100% biologicky rozložitelné pouzdro pro smartphone umožňuje každému přispět v boji proti změně klimatu. Kompostovatelné pouzdro je vyrobeno ze slámy a BPAT bioplastu, které se v přírodním prostředí úplně rozloží během 18 měsíců.
Toto pouzdro pokrývá okraje vašeho zařízení, aby plně chránilo váš smartphone před škrábanci a nárazy. Černý design s jeho přirozenou texturou vytváří jedinečný a elegantní vzhled.
Slyšte to od někoho jiného
OvěřenoPhone case is really good quality, especially for the price!
OvěřenoExperience was great I was a bit iffy as some reviews were not the best but the two cases i ordered are amazing and pricing was fabulous. I ordered one for my friend and she is also over the moon with the product.
OvěřenoMáte dotaz? Jsem k dispozici od pondělí do soboty.
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My first order did not arrive so I contacted the company and customer care was more than excellent. I received a new order within days then my old order turned up , part of which was damaged but that did not matter because it all all been sorted out efficiently and with kindness. Thank you, I love my case forms phone.