Lars and Timo of Kaart Blanche stand for playful and feel good design. The life motto of this designer duo from Ghent is “Keep doing what you love, and spread joy by making other people happy.” Your fortune and happiness is front and center in their way of thinking. And it shows! The seed for Kaart...Více info
Lars and Timo of Kaart Blanche stand for playful and feel good design. The life motto of this designer duo from Ghent is “Keep doing what you love, an...Více info
25% sleva na tyto pouzdra s kódem: VUB25
Toto průhledné měkké pouzdro je vyrobeno z pružného TPU, který tlumí nárazy, a zajišťuje plnou ochranu celého telefonu. Poskytne vašemu smartphonu dokonalou ochranu před promáčknutím, poškrábáním, nečistotami a prachem.
Odnímatelná šňůra Šňůru lze snadno odepnout, když ji chvíli nepotřebujete. Vyzkoušejte pohodlí a ochranu pouzdra na smartphone se šňůrou a užívejte si telefon vždy na dosah.
Vyrobeno z pružného materiálu, který tlumí nárazy. Obalí celý telefon pro úplnou ochranu.
Slyšte to od někoho jiného
OvěřenoI already ordered another one
OvěřenoEstoy muy satisfecha, tube un problema de promesas con la funda y me enviaron una encanta.un saludo.
Mari Carmen
OvěřenoWe initially ordered the wrong phone case and were disappointed but we’re really happy with the customer service we received and the voucher to purchase a new phone case. We didn’t have to return the original either. We are delighted with our new case with personalised pictures of our beloved cat Meesha. Thank you ver much. Wren and mum Jen xx
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When I received my phone case I was made up with it the quality is excellent .